Page name: Naruto:Konoha High [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-11-13 21:46:08
Last author: Dark Shiva
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# of watchers: 12
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Naruto:Konoha High

Welcome fellow Narutotards! Now like the title says this Naruto rp is more high school based! (no shit) All we ask is that you have fun, obey the rules and us! ....Or we'll eat you x3 And we better not see you out of the class room! DX<

The rules of ruleness Read this first! DX
The damn character page [eH HELL LETS OPEN THIS AGAIN ^_^!]
RP Iruka's Class!
RP Kakashi's Class!
RP Orochimaru's Class!
RP Nong's Class!
RP Hallways!
RP Courtard!
RP Lunch Room!
RP Libary!
RP Detention! You'd be in BIG trouble if sent there
RP Leaf Village! Pretty where you rp before, after or during school if you're skipping XD
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2007-10-01 [Dark Shiva]: OC as in chars that we fans make >_> Main chars are the ones from the show.

2007-10-01 [Atayemi]: Oooh.. :P

2007-10-01 [Dark Shiva]: join? 8D

2007-10-01 [Atayemi]: If I'm allowed to, yesh please! :D

2007-10-01 [Dark Shiva]: YESH YOU ARE!!!!

2007-10-01 [Atayemi]: YAYZ!

2007-10-02 [Night Prowler]: oh...wait, if only 5 people are able to be on or make their own, then why ask any more than that set amount to join?oO

2007-10-02 [Keir Devlin]: Because people need to play the original characters...

2007-10-02 [Night Prowler]: that's no fun, if people are going to join they should have a choice of the characters from teh manga/anime or their own personal and you both said something different about what OC means so i'm a bit confused.what exactly is the O for?

2007-10-02 [Keir Devlin]: ... -.-;
OC=Own character.

And, no, they shouldn't. Then the original characters a re dismissed and forgotten then we have 100 OC's running aoround, half of them not being played and it's a waste of space.
And things get to damned confussing, too.

2007-10-02 [Dark Shiva]: Yeah what Keira said. i mean think about if I let it be unlimted oc then there would like ALL OCs and no one playing the original characters at all! >_< There will be openings for OCc again but not unitl we get most if not all the Orginal chars picked first.

2007-10-02 [Lord_Guac]: *Runs in and screams something about ninjas*

2007-10-02 [Lord_Guac]: *pauses* ... High School Ninjas?.. Heheheh Ninja High School... Love that manga

2007-10-02 [Dark Shiva]: I saw small bits of it ^^ But me and peircedskull decided to make out own ^_^ and tis fun so far!

2007-10-02 [Lord_Guac]: 'You broke into my house! You tried to kill me! AND YOU THREATENED MY WEINIE!!!!*Everyone stares at her* Baby. Weinie Baby. It's a doll.' I LOVE THAT LINE SO MUCH! XDDDDDDDDDD!!!!!!

2007-10-02 [Dark Shiva]: .> I think you're looking for the class of the mentaly challaged....

2007-10-02 [Lord_Guac]: Huh? Eh? Wuzzat?

2007-10-03 [Hiro Kitaki]: eh. i'll join.

2007-10-03 [Hiro Kitaki]: i can be a real charater.

2007-10-03 [twitchboy]: *cries* i cant have an oc so id take a char....but Lee is taken  WAAAHHHH!

2007-10-03 [XxTsomexX]: Sowwy

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